S.J.M Vidyapeetha (R)

S.J.M. College of Arts & Commerce

B.D.Road,  Chitradurga-577501.  Karnataka  India
Phone: 00-91-(08194)-223054


            The institution inorder to inculcate research culture among teachers and students has constituted a Research Committee. The IQAC of the institution initiated to conduct UGC sponsored National Seminar, State levcl Seminars / Conferences, Workshops and Skill Development Programmes and Special lecturers in association with various departments and cells of the institution. Faculty members have been motivated to publish reserarch articles in recognised academic journals. The departmental faculty engaged the students in classroom seminars, field visits, to conduct social surveys, study tours and to prepare project works.

            During Covid-19 pandemic, institution has organised National and International Webinars on various topics of interest by almost all the departments, with the initiatives of IQAC. To inculcate social concern among the students they are made to visit District Prison, Chitradurga to have interaction with undertrials to understand the social causes for the commitment of crime and educated them to try for transformation in their way of thinking to lead life in good ways to have a better future.

            Our Insitution has entered into an understanding with Allamaprabhu Research Centre, Murughamath to conduct research activities. One of our faculty members from the Department of Kannada has been recognised as Research Director of Allamaprabhu Research Centre and also designated as Research Guide of Kannada University, Hampi.